testing blogger
hello everybody!!
As many of you know, I finished my studies the 25th of october, and yes, I'm an architect!!!
And I'm leaving to Bangkok the 6th of december. Then, who knows!!! The oneway ticket I bought, will give me all the freedom I think I need! Or at least, that's my hope!!!
I'm creating this blog to make you all know about places, experiences and feellings! And of course, I hope you'll post something!!! (it's easy; at the end of texts, click on 'comments', then on 'post a comment', and afterwards, wrtite the post as 'anonymous')
So many years waiting for this moment, and it's only ... 28 days left!!! Let's see what future has for me.
I will try to meet all of you before leaving, but not everyone is living in barcelona...
I hope that if anyone of you wanna go to the south east asia, will contact me, in order to meet wherever!!!
And I'll try to write the blogs in english. Is not that good, but I hope good enough to be understood for everyone. Like this, I will also improve it a little bit more!!!
hugs to everyone!!!
As many of you know, I finished my studies the 25th of october, and yes, I'm an architect!!!
And I'm leaving to Bangkok the 6th of december. Then, who knows!!! The oneway ticket I bought, will give me all the freedom I think I need! Or at least, that's my hope!!!
I'm creating this blog to make you all know about places, experiences and feellings! And of course, I hope you'll post something!!! (it's easy; at the end of texts, click on 'comments', then on 'post a comment', and afterwards, wrtite the post as 'anonymous')
So many years waiting for this moment, and it's only ... 28 days left!!! Let's see what future has for me.
I will try to meet all of you before leaving, but not everyone is living in barcelona...
I hope that if anyone of you wanna go to the south east asia, will contact me, in order to meet wherever!!!
And I'll try to write the blogs in english. Is not that good, but I hope good enough to be understood for everyone. Like this, I will also improve it a little bit more!!!
hugs to everyone!!!
Hola Jordi!!! Me n'alegro molt d'aquesta decisió que has pres. Estic convençut que serà un viatge collonut!! Ja quedarem (aviat) per trobar-nos en algun lloc "d'aquest món" en algun moment del teu viatge!!!
Molta sort i molt de surf!!!!
my friend, life has no coming back. Follow your heart around the world wherever it says you have to go, like you are doing.
Hope to meet you around, and finally start another dream together. By the way, live!
jordi, enjoying life at Brasil.
Olé olé!! Ja tinc el carnet de cotxe!!t'apuntes a anar a donar un volt? ...I tu ja tens el bitllet! Hem aconseguit dos dels nostres objectius més importants,oi? Bon viatge!!
hej hej hej!!!
hola noiet!!!kina grata sorpresa...saber de tu...i q marxes...jiji...què dirt-te??q disfrutis moltíssim i ens tinguis informat!!!així seguirem els teus passos...
un petonet molt fort
marta garcia
ciao jordi! con anche l'italiano sembri ancora più internazionale.... grazie per le istruzioni per aggiungere un commento..
ma soprattutto complimenti per la laurea e auguri per tutto quello che andrai a fare. aspetta che finisco anch'io e magari mi rivedrai in giro... ci vediamo in india allora? ti faccio uno squillo quando arrivo
sarebbe bello incontrarti ancora
un abbraccio fortissimo, tra un'onda e l'altra fatti sentire...
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