8/des tuk-tuk day
Just looking for a park to eat my breakfast, orange juice and a kind of pancake, took a couple of hours, and 3 or 4 km. But it's always nice to walk in bangkok, even if sometimes is hot enough to avoid the sun all the time. So walking in the north of the center (turistic center, and for the moment my center), a couple of thai girls, same age as me, or maybe not, it's really hard for me to say the age of people here. Both boys and girls look very young. Maybe 5 ot 10 years younger. One of the girls was very beautiful. Wow!!! Anyway, life goes on, even in these moments. They always wanna talk to you, and it start being difficult for me to believe that they want something else. But we'll see.
So they told me that that wednesday, was the buddhist day, and that you could visit all the wats for free. (I had never paid for any wat, but...) and that there was an special price for tuk tuk. Tuk tuk, are tricicles where 2 or 3 people can seat, with an engine. They run quiet fast if traffic wants, and I heard that when they turn can be dangerous. I didn't think that much about that, just in case. So, for 40 baths, less than one euro, I was 4 hours around bangkok. visiting wats. Good, eh!! The driver looked 17 years old, but he was 27. He asked me if was possible to visit 2 shops, a tailor and a gems shop, because they were giving tuk tuk drivers 10 liters of gas for turist. First wat was wat somana, right next to a school. were an army of 15 girls (10 years old) dressing all of them green, attacked me, for giving me their hands, and even for kissing me. They had to jump. Thais are quite short, maybe 1'60m. And this orgy in front of buddha. The second was wat suthat. Amazing thiss one. The monks are working there, and they take care of the wat as well. You enter into a squared open space, surrounded by 60 buddhas in each of the 4 sides. In the center, and very big, the was. There was noone inside, and that made it more special. I have pictures, but I still don't know how to share them. Buddhists burn something (incens) and offer flowers. Then they seat on there knees and pray.
It's funny because many people, old and young says hello to me all the time, always withj a great smile in their faces. And that's why I feel very safe in here. You don't see strange faces, even if you go alone, or during the night.
As I like all this, I start thinking that I would prefer not to work here, and go to the south, to the beaches. But on the other hand, I would like to see how work is here. I'll call tomorrow. 3 or 4 days in bangkok is enough, maybe too much. But 'the unexpected' is here as well, that's why it wouldn't be a proble to stay here for a while.
I have dinner with philippe again, and is something I like, as he seems a peacefull person, that knows what he is talking about. Friendly, correct. A good travel mate.
(is all of you see big english mistakes, please, tell me!!!! I will really appreciate it.)
So they told me that that wednesday, was the buddhist day, and that you could visit all the wats for free. (I had never paid for any wat, but...) and that there was an special price for tuk tuk. Tuk tuk, are tricicles where 2 or 3 people can seat, with an engine. They run quiet fast if traffic wants, and I heard that when they turn can be dangerous. I didn't think that much about that, just in case. So, for 40 baths, less than one euro, I was 4 hours around bangkok. visiting wats. Good, eh!! The driver looked 17 years old, but he was 27. He asked me if was possible to visit 2 shops, a tailor and a gems shop, because they were giving tuk tuk drivers 10 liters of gas for turist. First wat was wat somana, right next to a school. were an army of 15 girls (10 years old) dressing all of them green, attacked me, for giving me their hands, and even for kissing me. They had to jump. Thais are quite short, maybe 1'60m. And this orgy in front of buddha. The second was wat suthat. Amazing thiss one. The monks are working there, and they take care of the wat as well. You enter into a squared open space, surrounded by 60 buddhas in each of the 4 sides. In the center, and very big, the was. There was noone inside, and that made it more special. I have pictures, but I still don't know how to share them. Buddhists burn something (incens) and offer flowers. Then they seat on there knees and pray.
It's funny because many people, old and young says hello to me all the time, always withj a great smile in their faces. And that's why I feel very safe in here. You don't see strange faces, even if you go alone, or during the night.
As I like all this, I start thinking that I would prefer not to work here, and go to the south, to the beaches. But on the other hand, I would like to see how work is here. I'll call tomorrow. 3 or 4 days in bangkok is enough, maybe too much. But 'the unexpected' is here as well, that's why it wouldn't be a proble to stay here for a while.
I have dinner with philippe again, and is something I like, as he seems a peacefull person, that knows what he is talking about. Friendly, correct. A good travel mate.
(is all of you see big english mistakes, please, tell me!!!! I will really appreciate it.)
Hoooooooolaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :-) per fi!!!!!!!!!! ja soc a Barcelona i per tant la possibilitat de saber de tu una mica mes comodament. Vaig entrar un dia a veure com t'anava i quasi hem torno boja amb l'angles. Pero hem sembla que ho anire imprimint aixi es mes facil!!!!!!!! pero de totes maneres: MINCHIA!!!!!!!!!!! no capito nulla!!!!!!!!!! :)
Be carinyo!!!!!!!!!! cuida't, ok? segueix obrint els ulls, per absorvir tant com puguis. Per aqui tot be.
Un peto inmens!!!!!!!!
Hola MACU!!
Per les coses que vaig llegint veig que estàs vivint la vida tal com ho esperava! Descobrint un nou món, noves persones, nous llocs...ostres...com t'envejo! Em promets un altre viatge junts? Com el d'Itàlia i Grècia...però amb més anys. Els dos!! jeje.
Un petonàs de la teva germana.
Malgrat molt probablement corri el risc de no ser prou original, m´addereix-ho ferventment als comentaris que algú ja t´ha adressat, que remarquen la capacitat evocativa de les teves cròniques: a mi també em produeixen, perfectament, la il.lusió de portar-me a aquí, on sóc jo, aquest món per on ara tot just comences a aventurar-te, un món que per a mi és tant profundament estrany. Què no t'espera en el futur?!
Especialment evocatiu m'ha semblat el passatge on narraves la teva visita a un temple budista... sobretot quan, gairebé tot seguit, explicaves aquest divertit (suposo) assalt que patires per part d'un grup de diminutes thailandeses! Com ho dies? "Orgy in front of Buddha"... M'ha fet molta gràcia.
Pel que fa a les imatges, t'he de dir que per part meva serien molt ben rebudes; ara, que el llegir (en aquest cas "el veure") no ens faci perdre l'escriure!, que m'ho passo molt bé llegint-te!
Una abrassada i fins aviat.
P.S. A banda d'aquest mini-comment, no et pensis que m'oblido del mail com déu mana que et dec i et vull escriure. Tingues paciència, que tot arriba.
P.S. II Per cert, per allí celebren res com ara quelcom que s'assembli, ni que fos remotament, al Nadal? I el cap d'any? No, oi? Hauré d'esperar a la següent crònica? A escriure, doncs!
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