fast news & change of plans!
Hello again!!
I know I havn't written for a long while, and that's because I've been very very busy!! I can imagine that it's hard to believe, but now you'll know why!
I arrived in mumbai almost 5 weeks ago. I spend the first 2 weeks hanging around, going out... discovering the city. I even met zac again, the american guy I was traveling with for 3 months!!
In some way, I felt very attracted to the city, feeling very comfortable, and seeing contrasts every now and then. I also started meeting people, indians and westerners, and because of all that, I went to check a model agency. In 3 weeks I've done 3 jobs, and I have a couple of options for next week!! I've been going out a lot, I've destroyed my nice budget, but I'm having lot of fun. And now I'm looking for an apartment and I think I'll have a bussines visa soon. So things go on a nice direction, and I'm planning to stay here for a few months, and if I keep on working like now, who knows, maybe years!!!
So the trip once again has changed completely. Unexpected things are keeping me alive!!!
The only thing is that here is summer now, and it's super hot. Average of 35 degrees, with a 80 % humidity every day. Nights, 28 degrees... yes, life it's so hard!!!
See you soon!!!!!!!!
I know I havn't written for a long while, and that's because I've been very very busy!! I can imagine that it's hard to believe, but now you'll know why!
I arrived in mumbai almost 5 weeks ago. I spend the first 2 weeks hanging around, going out... discovering the city. I even met zac again, the american guy I was traveling with for 3 months!!
In some way, I felt very attracted to the city, feeling very comfortable, and seeing contrasts every now and then. I also started meeting people, indians and westerners, and because of all that, I went to check a model agency. In 3 weeks I've done 3 jobs, and I have a couple of options for next week!! I've been going out a lot, I've destroyed my nice budget, but I'm having lot of fun. And now I'm looking for an apartment and I think I'll have a bussines visa soon. So things go on a nice direction, and I'm planning to stay here for a few months, and if I keep on working like now, who knows, maybe years!!!
So the trip once again has changed completely. Unexpected things are keeping me alive!!!
The only thing is that here is summer now, and it's super hot. Average of 35 degrees, with a 80 % humidity every day. Nights, 28 degrees... yes, life it's so hard!!!
See you soon!!!!!!!!
Com la teva booker em sento mooolt orgullosa de tu!. Espero que m'enviis el material nou, que mai se sap...
Un petonet carinyo.Marisol
hola rei: avui hem anat amb l´autocaravana i gairabé m´he llegit el llibre d´en Martí Gironell. Per tant et porto ventatge. Es que en tinc un altra d´en Javier Moro "Pasión India". Penso molt en tú, sobretot quan llegeixo el llibre sobre Mumbai. Petonás molt gros... Elsa.
... va ho faré així: de sobte i sense pensar-hi massa, d'improvís, com qui diu.
M'has de creure quan et dic que, d'ençà d'aquell darrer mail-ultimàtum (coi, realment ets un tio de paraula, tu!), pensava sovint que havia d'escriure't alguna cosa. Però el fet és que, per algun tipus d'efecte de buidat mental, mai trobava la Stimmung adequada per a posar-m'hi, no només per a tu, si no per a qualsevol altre; i amb això vull dir, que el meu llarg silenci, com suposo que ja devies pensar-te, no tenia res de personal...
(Ja ho sé, ja ho sé, jo també m'adono que aquest tipus de frases, com a forma de descàrrec, no són precisament la mar d'originals, que diguem... Però, dona'm marge, tu! Dóna-me'n, si més no, una mica!)
...i és sorprenent, però ara que ho provo per aquesta via d'entrada lateral trobo que m'està resultant més senzill --més que no pas trobar-me davant de l'imponent Mail en majúscula.
Tot i així, com que aquestes línies només venen a tall d'inicial REpresa de contacte, només dir-te el següent (i ja no sé si te'n recorderàs...):
Efterklang: Els he escoltat, boníssims! Me'ls va passar fa tres mesos l'ex-companya de pis, apassionada, com tu, de la (bona) música.
En fi, ara que ja que torno a trobar les paraules, anunciar-te que això no ha fet res més que començar. Rebràs més notícies meves, que és el que volies, oi?
Fins aviat.
Una fortíssima abraçada des de l'esplèndid Berlín primaveral.
PS. A batzegades, però vaig llegint-te. Em falten aquests dos últims mesos, és a dir, fins a finals d'abril. Les fotos: guapíssimes.
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