22-27/des full moon party & tragedy
After vered left, everything was as nice as before, but already lived. So I think I spent too much time on the island. But was worth for my friends, because all of them but zac, were staying there a couple of weeks more. So we had party together for a couple of more days together.
This island is known for its beauty, but as well for its party, the parties around the moon cicles. The most important one is the full moon party, that this year was one day after xmas, and they said we were 16000 people. Too much!
The also celebrate the half moon party, and the no moon party. At the begining, it wasn't like this. It started being something that only attracted a few people for the full moon time. Then, like with everything, started growing and being polluted by turism, and now you have 4 parties a months, and internet costing 4 times more that in bangkok.
If you try to forget all these things, and keep the idea of celebrating the cicles of the moon, it becames something quite nice. And if you imagine as well that you celebrate this party with thai people, then is paradise, but most of the thais are prostitutes and lady-boys, and the rest drunk westerners. It's all about being positive!
The afternoon of the 26th (full moon) was the bitrhday of an israeli friend of mine, tahi. We (me and zac) spent that day in the cocohuts beach (or vereds beach), playing volleyball, and winning!! And dancing and celebrating tahis birthday, whereas there was the earthquake, that affected the western part of thailand, about 200 or 300 km south west of ko phan gan, where we were.
For the moment, 40000 people died.
We could feel the vibrations of the earthquake, and I read that was possible also from somalia... shit. Here is not easy to start things, and the lucky ones will have to re-start their lives again. And so many families affected by that.
It's strange how destiny is changing all the time. If this was meant to happen, I was lucky. I could have gone there, because it's suposed to be very nice, and just because I met those guys, I went to ko phan gan. I wish all the luck to the survivors.
This island is known for its beauty, but as well for its party, the parties around the moon cicles. The most important one is the full moon party, that this year was one day after xmas, and they said we were 16000 people. Too much!
The also celebrate the half moon party, and the no moon party. At the begining, it wasn't like this. It started being something that only attracted a few people for the full moon time. Then, like with everything, started growing and being polluted by turism, and now you have 4 parties a months, and internet costing 4 times more that in bangkok.
If you try to forget all these things, and keep the idea of celebrating the cicles of the moon, it becames something quite nice. And if you imagine as well that you celebrate this party with thai people, then is paradise, but most of the thais are prostitutes and lady-boys, and the rest drunk westerners. It's all about being positive!
The afternoon of the 26th (full moon) was the bitrhday of an israeli friend of mine, tahi. We (me and zac) spent that day in the cocohuts beach (or vereds beach), playing volleyball, and winning!! And dancing and celebrating tahis birthday, whereas there was the earthquake, that affected the western part of thailand, about 200 or 300 km south west of ko phan gan, where we were.
For the moment, 40000 people died.
We could feel the vibrations of the earthquake, and I read that was possible also from somalia... shit. Here is not easy to start things, and the lucky ones will have to re-start their lives again. And so many families affected by that.
It's strange how destiny is changing all the time. If this was meant to happen, I was lucky. I could have gone there, because it's suposed to be very nice, and just because I met those guys, I went to ko phan gan. I wish all the luck to the survivors.
Hola!! ja vec que estas be. No m'entero gaire del que escrius. Pero sembla com si no t'haguessis quasi enterat del que ha passat alla. No ho entenc, alguns per aqui dubtavem que estiguessis viu per que no sabiem ven be on erets. Pero ja vec que estas viu i a mes a mes, més preocupat de les festes i jugar a voley que de la tragedia que tens tan a prop teu. Perfecte, ja ho comunicare als interessats
No pots ni imaginar el sofriment que he tingut fins que he sabut que estaves bé. No paren de bombardejar-nos amb imatges que no puc treure'm de la ment i que afegeixen dolor a tot el que ja hi ha en el món. Em queda el consol que almenys tu estàs sa i estalvi,dono gràcies, a qui sigui que t'ha salvat del perill... Marisol
ciao jordi, bello leggere quello che scrivi sempre e comunque, ma adesso specialmente... ci hai fatto preoccupare eh?
la festa e la tragedia, penso che non è possibile separarle, proprio come fatto mentale, forse non sono neanche una opposta all'altra. non so, comunque buona fortuna e prendi il meglio da tutto ciò che incontri
alla prossima, p
Tan bon punt, ara ja fa uns dies, vaig llegir aquesta teva crònica vaig quedar-me més tranquil. Mare meva el que ha passat! I pensar que hi ha gent a Somàlia -que no és pas un indret que estigui més a la vora que on tu t'estàs ara, precisament- que ha mort! Has tingut molta sort, tio!
Les imatges dels precaris equips locals que s'encarreguen de posar una mica d'"ordre" enmig de desenes i desenes de cossos en abançat estat de descomposició --que ja pots imaginar-te tu la pudor que deuen fer... I, al mateix temps, veure com hi ha turistes que, en estat de xoc (vull pensar), com si res no hagués passat, com volent-se negar, de manera autista, l'esdeveniment colpidor de la tragèdia que es viu a tot just vint passes d'ells mateixos, tots decidits se'n van a prendre el sol! Ep, i ho dic sense moralina: que jo tampoc sé com reaccionaria en una situació així, la veritat sigui dita.
La xifra de morts és, simplement, esfereïdora, inimaginable. Que alguns dels governs afectats hagin bandejat la mera possibilitat de dur a terme un recompte com déu mana, ja només això, posa els pèls de punta. M'esgarrifa només de pensar de quina manera frivolitzarem sobre tot tipus de càlculs, amb els quals els diaris, ja se sap, tenen una clara tendència a especular, per allò de jugar amb la morbositat que una catàstrofe d'aquesta magnitud desperta al públic benestant occidental.
En fi, no sé a qui hauríem de donar les gràcies perquè tu estiguis sa i estalvi, però, en qualsevol cas donem-les-hi. Potser a les festes tel·lúriques-lunars?
Jo, per la meva banda, encantat i alleugit de que tu gairebé ni ho notessis. Quina sort d'haver-te trobat amb aquesta gent de qui parles!
Ara, jo espero que ens expliquis com es viu (encara que sigui des de l'altra banda del país) els dies post-traumàtics després de l'adveniment del tsunami, malgrat això segurament trenqui el sa bon rotllo que destil·len totes les teves cròniques!
Una abraçada, ah!, i bon any 2005 (que el calendari occidental encara va fent el seu fet...)
PS: Per cert, molta gent que m'he anat trobant aquests dies i que encara no sabien de l'existència d'aquesta pàgina on tu escrius, s'han interessat pel teu estat. Records de part seva.
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