Sunday, December 19, 2004

9/des bus, skytrain & boat

Only an interlude in this open journal. It's quite strange to write about the past, things that now seem to be far away from my present, but that only were one week ago, but so many things are happening, all of them special in its own way. Today it's the 19th of december, and I'm going to write about things that happened the 9th.

I'm having lunch in a kind of mensa, a kind of old and spontaneous mensa, that is next to a skyscraper, in the downtown. And of course, is full of life, like everything here. But this time, the people is really well dressed, business men and women. All this space, filled with tables, is surrounded by these thay moveble kitchens, full of colors, and smells, and like everywhere here, really clean. This one is covered as well, but quite better than the one in the street. During the wet season for the rain, and now for the sun. We have 30 degrees, and it's a little bit wet. But I know it can be worse. And I'm the only western, of course. This starts being normal, and of course, I love it!! But I' m sad because anyone has come and talk to me. Not here, but it has happened on my way here. 2 girls, tahy nurses, started speaking to me, and have payed my bus ticket. I was on my way to the immigration office, to try to extend my visa. But it was only possible for 10 more days. So I'll have to travel to the border, with malaisia, myanmar, laos or maybe cambodja, depending where I'll be.
It's 6 pm, and I'm lying down on the grass, in a beautifull park. After waking up from a small siesta, it seemed to me to wake up in a small paradise. Can sound exagerated, but! Everything greem, quiet, by the river, soft music, and people reading, talking, children playing... I could go on with milions of small presents. Thai girls look so young!!!! I guess that their 'becoming older' come later than in europe, but more of a sudden. Maybe not. But they are so beautiful, and look so sweet, and they dress quite provocative, with short dresses, small t-shirts... but everything under control!
It gets dark at 6pm.
After the being at the immigration office, I've taken the skytrain, I kind of out of the ground subway, that is passing 20 meter above the ground, in in front of many flats. But it's not taht noisy, but expensive. And the people that use it, don't talk to me that much. Maybe I should start talking to people, not only wait for them to come. But, in a way, it's the same I'm doing with girls, always wait for them to come. It's the shyness, I kow, and it's something I would like to beat soon!!! It's quite easy here, anyway, to meet people, I'm not the same jordi as the jordi in barcelona, and I definetly prefer this one.
After the skytrain, I took a boat, that is navigating in the river. And chepa. I decidwd to go till the last stop, and enjoy the trip. I met an old german lady. I see 'water houses', wats, and as long as you get far from bangkok, everything is getting older and creppier. On my way back, I left the boat in the middle of the way, in order to walk a little bit, and I went to visit a wat. I was there talking to a monk, an old one, that was living in sweden and france for a while. Hes english was good. He opened the wat for me, and these kind of things made the visits more special to me.
I called the agency, and they told me that the boss wanted to meet me next monday. So, I had to stay a few more days in bangkok. And, since I'm not very secure about wanting to work now, wasn't a very nice new. 3 days in bangkok are enough. Because I think that thailand has to be something extremelly different. But, I'll wait, you never know what can happen in the meantime.
At 6pm, parks are full of people waiting for the aerobic class. It's funny to see how people from different ages, is joining the same free en outside class. The teacher is teaching from a podium, and first of all puts the himn of thailand. Everyone, sing the song, and of course, stop doing anything. After that, dancemusic, but loud dancemusic!!! There were only a couple of western girls, one of them quite pretty.
Diner. After that, I decided to walk a little bit, And I sae, for the first time, prostitues. A lot of prostitues, thai. All of them with old westerners, but as well with people from my age. And can't avoid to remember my days in canoa quebrada, brasil, where I saw this disgusting thing for the first time. How can you feel iof you pay to make love? Well, I'll not go deeper into that.
But I only hope that the thai girls that come and talk to me, are not prostitues. They are all kind, and smilly, and everything...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej Jordi!!

Igår var det en vit jul i Skåne men nu är det grönt igen. Hoppas att du har det bra, tycker om att läsa dina målande beskrivningar av dina dagar där borta.
Nu ska jag gå en promenad med min mammas hundar.
massa kramar

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ei Jordi, esperem que tot vagi bé en el teu viatge.
Tan aviat com puguis fes-nos saber alguna cosa.
Molts records i, els millors desitjos!

Miquel i Roser

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY Jordi!!
soc l'Alberto....aquell amic del mikel que 'sempre' anava a sopar al teu pis!!!
Con estas tiu???
Ahir vaig sentir a les noticies que hi va haver un terratremol acompanyat de un tsnami...
T'ha enxampat? Has surfejat el tsunami?
La veritat es que no se molt be on ets....
Pero espero que estiguis be!

Be! Espero que t'ho estiguis passant pipa!!
No paris d'escriure al blogg!!
Jo ja et tinc al meu bookmark!!!
Una abraçada d'un que t'enveja!!!


8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tots aquells que heu sentit les notícies del terratrèmol del dia 26, sapigueu que el meu germà està bé. Quan va passar estava a l'altre costat de la península a on va afectar, ok? Ho va saber molt més tard que tots nosaltres!
un petó a tu jordi!!

12:31 AM  

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